Friday, March 26, 2010

The Importance of Communication

When you hear the cry of a baby, you are aware that something is wrong. When the traffic guard indicates to stop, you obey and step on the break. When you reach a traffic light, you know you must follow the instruction and do according to what the light signals. Just like these, there are numerous examples of how communication helps us get through our daily lives. It is essential and without it we would be living in a chaotic world. If the baby wouldn’t cry, the mother wouldn’t be able to supply its need. If the stop sign wasn’t raised, the chances of running into another car are very high. If the traffic lights weren’t present, we would find it very difficult to compromise. Now let’s compare that to our relationships.

Without communication in a relationship, it is impossible to get anywhere. The silence between you and your partner can slowly separate the bonds and create a gap that becomes difficult to fill. It is necessary to inform your partner when you find yourself in the middle of a difficult situation. Like that baby, we have to raise our cry in order to be heard. It is the only way we can receive what we are in need of. The gap and silence in a relationship can lead to horrible results. It can cause your partner to begin making up ideas in his/her mind. Ideas that are not necessary true. For your own good and for the health of your relationship, I encourage you to cry out and inform your need.

There are times where communication leads us to a stop sign. There are numerous occasions where all we want is for our opinions to be heard and we forget how important it is to stop and listen. We tend to believe that communication only consist of talking, talking, and more talking. We are wrong. An important attribute of communication is listening. If we don’t stop and listen, the consequences can be catastrophic. We can cause a lot of unhealthy accidents and conflicts in our relationship. Not only is listening going to prevent unwanted problems, but it is also going to serve as a way to keep learning about your partner. When we want to be informed of something, we quickly become quite and listen to what is being said. Listening to your partner is going to help you get to know the different characteristic and qualities they are made up of. It is important to listen.

The importance of traffic lights; they serve as a compromise for each intersection. The only way for compromises to be reached is through communication. In a relationship, it is very important to learn how to compromise with your partner. It serves as a way to settle the differences among the couple and it puts an end to the claims and demands. If you are no able to compromise in a relationship, it is not a healthy relationship. The couple must be willing to give into each other and be willing to lay down each other’s arms. It is time to settle the differences and accept your partner for what he/she truly is.

The only way for all of this to be accomplished is through communication.

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