Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Healthy Dating

Couples tend to rush into relationships without analyzing the serious consequences it can bring. They tend to get caught up in their emotions, ignoring the penalty an unhealthy relationship can lead to. The divorce rate in the United States has increased drastically, shouldn’t this tell us something? Most of the couples that decide to get married are not prepared for such a drastic move.

In order to maintain a healthy marriage, the couple must have a healthy dating relationship. There are numerous tips that can be given to couples in order to maintain a healthy relationship. Trust and loyalty are two of the most important attributes in order to keep dating healthy. If your partner can’t trust you, the relationship won’t go anywhere. In order to keep the relationship growing the couple must be able to depend on each other, trusting and relying on each other’s honesty. In order to gain your partners trust, you must remain loyal to your words at all times. Once trust and loyalty are acquired, the relationship will be able to mature and deal with the struggles ahead.

Communication is also a key to healthy dating. If there is no communication there won’t be any understanding. It is important to share your feelings and thoughts with your partner preventing a gap to grown between each other. Many times the lack of communication causes couples to grow distant from each other when facing problems and struggles. Encountering your partner when in a disagreement is very important, and in order for this to take place communication is essential.

With our forgiveness there is no love. Forgiving your partner’s mistakes is very important for a healthy relationship. We are all trying to aim for perfection, but at this point no one in this world is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and if that is not clear in a relationship, the couple can harm each other. Many times being able to forgive your partner will built stronger bonds between each other. It is not healthy to hold grudges in a relationship; it will only lead to anger and feelings of resentment. In a healthy relationship you should learn to forgive your partner. One will never find the perfect person, but it is possible to learn to see and love someone perfectly.

Healthy dating is essential to having a fruitful relationship. In order to keep the relationship and love growing the couple must be willing to contribute and compromise with each other. Each one should remain loyal to each other, recognizing that with out trust there is no growth. In order to avoid disagreements and arguments communication is a key. Forgiveness is an important attribute of love. It is important to avoid grudges and anger towards your partner and learn to forgive each others mistakes.

Couples will always encounter struggles but if there has been healthy dating and a healthy relationship; it is possible to over come them.


  1. It would be interesting to devote future columns to the suggestions you've mentioned here. Like a "how to" communicate or a "how to" learn to forgive.

  2. "One will never find the perfect person, but it is possible to learn to see and love someone perfectly."

    How poignant! Do I see a future marriage counselor?
