Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Response to Jeremy Hsu: Video Games Can Control Dreams, Study Suggests

Jeremy Hsu writes about an interesting fact that may be unknown to many. Video games have the ability to control human’s dreams. Teens spend hours in front of television screens and this is causing effects in their daily lives. These video games attract a high portion of the person’s concentration leading to uncommon dreams.

Hsu’s article gets very interesting when he begins to list several example of how dreams can be affected by different video games. Game systems can lead to very lucid dreams and observer dreams where one views themselves outside of their body. This is not very common in dreams.

I found it very interesting that the amount of time playing video games can impact a person enough for them to control their dreams. This is due to the ability to control the characters found in the video games. Hsu gives very important examples that serve as an image to the readers in order to comprehend the article easier.

Response to Cherie Burbach: Is Fighting Good in a Relationship

Cherie Burbach’s advice article of whether or not fighting is good in a relationship is very informative. One would normally believe fighting should not be present in order to maintain a healthy relationship but Burbach states otherwise. She states that arguments are beneficial when they are done properly.

I agree with certain points Burbach mentions and I believe they are beneficial in a relationship. She states that the main purpose of an argument is to reach a compromise between the couple. It should serve as a tool to let out what is inside in order to try to solve the conflict. Burbach also states that it is important to keep a positive goal while arguing. The argument shouldn’t be to compete with your partner; it should be to reach a positive solution. She ends the writing specifying that arguments in a relationship shouldn’t be seen wrong or unhealthy.

I agree with Burbach and her ideas. Arguments should serve as a way to understand your partner and let your partner understand you.