Thursday, April 15, 2010

Journalism, Satire or Just Laugh? "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," Examined

1. I believe Jon Stewart is a journlist. Though he claims he isnt, i believe the work he does makes him a journalist. He reports news and though he does it in an orginal way he is still doing it.

2. The fact that Stewart is reporting the daily news will lead people to consider him a journalist.

3. The show is similar to what people get from mainstream press because it is still informing about daily events and important news. However, it differes in the way he informs the public. His use of humor makes him stand out among the rest.

4. Shows like "The Dialy Show" satirize the field of journalism itself because Stewart himself is making fun of the fact that he is reporting different news to the people. By making fun of himself, he is aslso mocking and ridiculing journlists and graduates of such majors.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Letting Go

Relationships can be a wonderful experience in a person’s life but when their not, we must be willing to let go. If there’s an unhealthy relationship taking place, the couple can do everything possible to solve the issues but when that’s not enough, letting go is the best choice. We tend to hold on way too hard, when the solution is many times found in letting go. If the relationship is not working, the healthiest thing to do is to put an end to it and move on. But why do we find it so difficult to let go?

We fear not having control. The moment where you decide to let go, the control over the situation slips out of your hands. This can be a frightful experience for many because we ponder way too much on the consequences and changes we will have to experience. We dislike change and we try our best to avoid it, but many times change is the key to ending our struggles. It can bring fear upon you but it can also take you to a new level, new opportunities and a new beginning.

Though we don’t realize it, by refusing to let go we are limiting our possibilities. There are plenty of opportunities waiting for us but many times our stubbornness prevents us from reaching new success in our lives. If the relationship is not working you should not limit yourself from experiencing new changes in your life. You can meet the right people, but in order to do that you must be willing to let go of the wrong ones.

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell shared a powerful truth with these words. The fact that your relationship wasn’t successful doesn’t meant that you life is over. There are hundreds of opens door waiting for you but you must be willing to focus your sight on them and move away from the past. If wee keep looking at the closed doors we are leaving behind, we will never truly move on. Its time to accept the chance, let go of what wasn’t meant to be and open ourselves to a new journey waiting to be taken.

Though there are people that will enter our lives and remain in it, there are others that will only be present for a season. It doesn’t make them any less valuable, but their time in our lives is limited. If its time for fall, we cant make summer stay. Sometimes we are better of accepting that in order to get something, letting go of something else is necessary. Its time to put our fears aside, set our selves free and open new doors leading to a new beginning.

“I don’t know why we all hang on to something we know we’re better off letting go. It’s like we’re scared to lose what we really don’t even have. Some of us we’d rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is…to have something halfway is harder than not having it at all”.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Learning to Forgive

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you”. Lewis B. Smedes emphasized a good point with this quotation. We tend to think that by not forgiving we are harming the person who hurt us, but the truth is we are also hurting ourselves. Forgiveness is crucial to maintain a healthy relationship, as well as to prevent you from building feelings of resentment. To prevent harm to both you and your partner there are several points that must be kept in mind when forgiving.

In order to prevent grudges to grow and walls of resentment to build up, it is important to express and let out your feelings. If you are working towards forgiving your partner you must communicate and express your thoughts to him/her. Sharing your feelings after being hurt will not only be healthy towards your relationship but to you as well. If we try to keep everything inside we will reach a point where we won’t know how to handle the pressure. This can lead to dangerous action but can be prevented through communication.

When struggling with forgiveness it is also important to remember the golden rule. We must put ourselves in our partner’s position and think about how we would like to be treated in such situation. No one is perfect and at one point or another, everyone makes mistakes. If you are determined to maintain the relationship there are certain prices that will need to be paid. It won’t be easy but if your partner offers a sincere apology, you must be willing to open yourself towards forgiveness and be willing to give a second chance. This doesn’t mean things will go back to the way they normally were, mistakes are lessons that have to be learned.

After hurting you, your partner will loose a great amount of your trust. We can compare it to a glass object, once broken you can try putting it back together but you will always see the cracks. Those moments of hurt will strongly mark the relationship and it will take a period of time for the trust to be restored. However, people tend to misjudge the meaning of forgiveness. They tend to follow a forgive and forget philosophy. Unless you forget you can’t forgive. Wrong. I disagree with this statement for various reasons. We are not God, we are merely humans, therefore our minds will always be able to recall certain moments in our lives. I believe it is possible to forgive with out forgetting. The art of this consists in erasing the pain, resentment; grudge and such feeling once remembering the moment. The ability to forgive is in being able to remember the pain without feeling the hurt. Once you are capable of doing that, forgiveness is present.

Forgiveness is a normal stage in a relationship. It is very difficult but if there is determination, patience and love, it can be done and can serve as a step of growth.